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Framing the Jina

Cort, John E.:
Framing the Jina : narratives of Icons and Idols in Jain History / John E. Cort. - New York [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 2010. - ca. 416 S.
ISBN 9780195385021
US$ 74,00
DDC: 294.437
-- Laut OUP (USA) angekündigt für November 2009, OUP (UK): April 2010; laut Amazon: Dezember 2009; eingedrucktes Erscheinungsjahr ist 2010 --

John Cort explores the narratives by which the Jains have explained the presence of icons of Jinas (their enlightened and liberated teachers) that are worshiped and venerated in the hundreds of thousands of Jain temples throughout India. Most of these narratives portray icons favorably, and so justify their existence; but there are also narratives originating among iconoclastic Jain communities that see the existence of temple icons as a sign of decay and corruption. The veneration of Jina icons is one of the most widespread of all Jain ritual practices. Nearly every Jain community in India has one or more elaborate temples, and as the Jains become a global community there are now dozens of temples in North America, Europe, Africa, and East Asia. The cult of temples and icons goes back at least two thousand years, and indeed the largest of the four main subdivisions of the Jains are called Murtipujakas, or "Icon Worshipers." A careful reading of narratives ranging over the past 15 centuries, says Cort, reveals a level of anxiety and defensiveness concerning icons, although overt criticism of the icons only became explicit in the last 500 years. He provides detailed studies of the most important pro- and anti-icon narratives. Some are in the form of histories of the origins and spread of icons. Others take the form of cosmological descriptions, depicting a vast universe filled with eternal Jain icons. Finally, Cort looks at more psychological explanations of the presence of icons, in which icons are defended as necessary spiritual corollaries to the very fact of human embodiedness. [Verlagsinformation]

Note on Language, Transliteration and Names, and Mendicant titles. xi
Illustrations. xv
Introduction: Icons, Idols, and Revolution. 3
1. The Archaeology of Jina Images. 17
2. A Cosmos Filled with Eternal Icons: Icons, Cosmology, Mandalas, and Scripture. 67
3. The Spread of Icons in Our World. 113
4. The Lifetime "Living Lord" Icon of Mahavira: Anxiety about the Authenticity of Icons. 155
5. Idols and a History of Corruption. 217
6. The Inevitability of Tangible Form: A Natural Theology of Icons. 247
Conclusion: Framing the Jina. 273
Appendix: Titles of Jain Texts. 283
Glossary. 333
Bibliography. 337
Index. 379

JOHN E. CORT, Associate Professor of Religion, Denison University. Faculty profile.

Quellen: Oxford University Press (USA); Oxford University Press (UK); Amazon (Deutschland); WorldCat; Google Books.