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Dreaming in Hindi

Rich, Katherine Russell:
Dreaming in Hindi : coming awake in another language / Katherine Russell Rich. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009. - xvii, 360 S. : Kt.
ISBN 978-0-618-15545-3 / 0-618-15545-7
US$ 26,00
-- Angekündigt für Juli 2009 --

Having miraculously survived a serious illness and now at an impasse in her career as a magazine editor, Rich spontaneously accepted a free-lance writing assignment to go to India, where she found herself thunderstruck by the place and the language. Before she knew it she was on her way to Udaipur, a city in the northwestern state of Rajasthan, in order to learn Hindi.
   In this inspirational memoir, Rich documents her experiences in India - ranging from the bizarre to the frightening to the unexpectedly exhilarating - using Hindi as the lens through which she is given a new perspective not only on India, but on the radical way the country and the language itself were changing her. Fascinated by the process, she went on to interview linguistics experts around the world, reporting back from the frontlines of the science wars on what happens in the brain when we learn a new language. Seamlessly combining Rich's courageous (and often hilarious) personal journey with wideranging reporting, Dreaming in Hindi offers an eye-opening account of what learning a new language can teach us about distant worlds and, ultimately, ourselves. [Verlagsinformation]

See also the promotional video trailers on YouTube (1), YouTube (2).

Prologue. xi
    1. "To go". 3
    2. "To speak". 19
    3. "The new house is big". 31
    4. "What time is it?" 43
    5. "Let's stay longer". 66
    6. "Let's leave now". 89
    7. "My car is stuck (in the mud/in the ditch)". 108
    8. "I am leaving by the early train". 124
    9. "Birds of the same feather fly together". 137
    10. "The matter is not one for laughing". 151
    11. "I do not like that". 180
    12. "This is a major problem and cannot be disposed of so easily". 206
    13. "After a long time, I have the honor to see you". 222
    14. "I can understand you quite well now". 245
    15. "You will be taught. He will be taught. They will be taught". 264
    16. "If a change takes place, we shall inform you by cable". 279
    17. "Who are these people?" 298
    18. "It is late; let us go home". 314
    19. "You go on; we are coming". 326
Epilogue. 343
The Cruel Festival Time. 348
Bibliography. 351
Acknowledgements. 357

Katherine Russell Rich, journalist and writer. Homepage.

Quellen: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Amazon; WorldCat