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Proceedings of the 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

Jamison, Stephanie W. [u.a.] (Hrsg.):
Proceedings of the 20th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference : October 31st and November 1st, 2008 / ed. by Stephanie W. Jamison ; H. Craig Melchert ; Brent Vine. - Bremen : Ute Hempen Verlag, 2009. - VIII, 222 S.
ISBN 978-3-934106-72-7
EUR 32,00

The Program in Indo-European Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, sponsors an Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. The Conference, held on campus every fall, welcomes participation by linguists, philologists, and others engaged in all aspects of Indo-European studies. [Verlagsinformation]

Eine Übersicht über das Konferenzprogramm ist Online verfügbar: UCLA Program in Indo-European Studies.

1. Timothy Barnes: Homeric molos Areos and Hittite mallai harrai
2. Miles Beckwith: The Latin v-Perfect and b?-Imperfect: A Paradigm Split
3. Eystein Dahl: Reconstructing Inflectional Semantics. The Case of the Proto-Indo-European Imperfect
4. Miriam Robbins Dexter: Ancient Felines and the Great-Goddess in Anatolia: Kubaba and Cybele
5. Hans Henrich Hock: Labiopalatalization in Indo-European Languages
6. Joshua T. Katz: Wordplay
7. Silvia Luraghi: Indo-European Nominal Classification. From Abstract to Feminine
8. J. P. Mallory: The Anatolian Homeland Hypothesis and the Anatolian Neolithic
9. Maria Napoli: Impersonal Passivization and Agentivity in Latin
10. Birgit Anette Olsen: On the Indo-European Status of Determinative Compounds
11. Sverre Stausland Johnsen: The Development of Voiced Labiovelars in Germanic
12. Nicholas Zair: OIr. biid < *bhuH-ye/o- and »Hiatus« Verbs.

Quellen: Ute Hempen Verlag; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek