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Journal of Indo-European Studies 2009

The Journal of Indo-European Studies / General editor: J. P. Mallory. - Washington, DC : Institute for the Study of Man.
Erscheinungsverlauf: 1.1973--
ISSN: 0092-2323 (Printausgabe)
Zuletzt erschienen: 37 (2009).

Inhalt: 37 (2009)

Thomson, Karen:
A Still Undeciphered Text: How the scientific approach to the Rigveda would open up Indo-European Studies. 1
Mumm, Peter-Arnold:
Comment on "A still undeciphered text". 49
Zimmer, Stefan:
HIC RHODUS! A brief comment on Karen Thomson, A still undeciphered text: how the scientific approach to the Rigveda would open up Indo-European Studies. 53
Parpola, Asko:
Interpreting the Rigveda: Comments on Karen Thomson's approach. 55
Thomson, Karen:
Still Undeciphered Text, continued: the reply to my critics. 59
Al-Maini, Douglas:
The Political Cosmology of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. 89
Hicks, Ronald:
Cosmography in Tochmarc Étaíne. 115
Huld, Martin E.:
Proto-Indo-Europeans and the Squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris. 130
Kulikov, Leonid:
Vedic piśá- and Atharvaveda-Śaunakīya 19.49.4 = Atharvaveda-Paippalāda 14.8.4: A note on the Indo-Iranian bestiary. 141
Petrosyan, Armen:
Forefather Hayk in the Light of Comparative Mythology. 155
Álvarez-Pedrosa, Juan Antonio:
Krakow's Foundation Myth: An Indo-European theme through the eyes of medieval erudition. 164
Zimmer, Stefan:
'Sacrifice' in Proto-Indo-European. 178
Beekes, Robert:
Pre-Greek Names. 191
de Vaan, Michiel:
The derivational history of Greek ἵππος and ἱππεύς. 198
West, Emily Blanchard:
Married Hero/Single Princess: Homer's Nausicaa and the Indic Citrāṅgadā. 214
JIES Reviews
Archaeology. 225
Culture. 233
Linguistics. 268
Anghelina, Catalin:
Bibliography for The Immovable Olympus

Quelle: Journal of Indo-European Studies