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South Asian Classical Studies 2009 - 4

南アジア古典学 (Minami-Ajia kotengaku) = South Asian Classical Studies / 州大学インド哲学史研究室 (Kyūshū daigaku Indo tetsugaku shi kenkyū shitsu) [Kyushu University, Department of Indology]. - No. 4. - Kyūshū, 2009
ISSN 1881-2074
Preis: keine Angaben
Bezug über Prof. Kiyoshi Okano, Kyushu Univ.

--Angekündigt für Juli 2009--

Inhalt: 4 (2009)
1. Michael Hahn: The Tibetan Shes rab sdong bu and its Indian Sources (I). 1
2. DEMOTO Mitsuyo (出本充代): アヴァダーナ・シャタカ』和訳 (3) —第36話「マイトラカニャカ」— [A Japanese Translation of the Avadānaśataka (3)]. 79
3. OKANO Kiyoshi (岡野潔): Avadānakalpalatā 94–97章とSMRAM 23章—Yaśomitra, Vyāghrī, Hastin, Kacchapaの校訂・和訳— [Avadānakalpalatā Chaps. 94–97 and SMRAM Chap. 23. Texts and Translations of Yaśomitra, Vyāghrī, Hastin, Kacchapa]. 95
4. TAMURA Masaki (田村昌己): バーヴィヴェーカによる五根の無自性性論証 [Bhāviveka on the Proof of the Absence of svabhāva in the Five Sense Organs (pañca-indriya)]. 179
5. KITADA Makoto (北田信): 千年前の歌声 チャルャーパダとカトマンドゥのチャチャー歌伝承 [A Voice from a Thousand Years Ago: Oral Tradition in Kathmandu and Caryāpada]. 205
6. OKAZAKI Yasuhiro (岡崎康浩): サンギータラトナーカラにおけるラーガの体系・その1 [The System of Rāgas in the Saṅgītaratnākara]. 233
7. KATAOKA Kei (片岡啓): 不共不定因再考 なぜkevalavyatirekinはasādhāraṇānaikāntikaではないのか? [Asādhāraṇānaikāntika Reconsidered]. 287
8. KAWAJIRI Yohei (川尻洋平): カシュミールシャイヴァ研究の現状と課題 [Present Situation and Problems of Kashmir Śaivism]. 331
9. HARIKAI Kunio: Sanskrit Text of the Tantravārttika, Adhyāya 1, Pāda 3,
Adhikaraṇa 4–6, Collated with Six Manuscripts. 359

Quelle: Kei Kataoka: 九州インド哲学Blog (Kyūshū indo tetsugaku blog).