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Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇam / ed. by Sundari Siddhartha. - 3 vols. - Delhi : Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts ; distr. by Motilal Banarsidass, 2009. - li, 1379 S.
ISBN 978-81-208-3284-8 / 81-208-3284-1
Rs. 3000,00
US$ 62,50 (Eastern Book Corp.)
US$ 66,67 (Motilal Banarsidass)
US$ 147,06 (Saujanya Books)
US$ 192,60 (Bagchee)

Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇam is a work on Poetics. (Bhoja has composed another work on Grammar under the same name). This encyclopaedic compilation is a record of the wide range of human experience and knowledge that interested Bhoja. It discusses the usual topics of poetics in an unusual manner viz. Doṣa, Guṇa, Doṣaguṇa, Alaṅkāra, Rasa, Dṛśya and Śravya Kāvya. There are many earlier editions of this work, some with even two commentaries. But this alone has an English translation. The text has been exhaustively and incisively edited, without obscuring Bhoja's thought and intent.
   Poetry cannot be fitted into rigid classes either of matter or of manner. Rightfully is Bhoja unfettered by the terms and definitions, armed with which writers try to study 'Great Poetry'. Bhoja has a practical approach, and does not involve in the speculation on the soul of poetry. He holds rasa to be the crux of poetry. Sṛṅgāra is the foremost which can gather into itself all the other rasas. Bhoja uses abhimāna and ahaṃkāra as synonymous with rasa. It is hence, inferred that the identification with the action and with the chief character, on the part of the reader, brings about this delight. The self transcending state of aesthetic delight, spoken of by Abhinavagupta may be a more advanced stage of this joy. [Verlagsinformation]

Quellen: Motilal Banarsidass; Bagchee; Eastern Book Corp.; Saujanya Books.