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Zarathushtra entre l'Inde et l'Iran

Pirart, Éric ; Tremblay, Xavier (Hrsg.):
Zarathushtra entre l'Inde et l'Iran : études indo-iraniennes et indo-européennes offertes à Jean Kellens à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire / ed. par Éric Pirart et Xavier Tremblay. - Wiesbaden : Reichert, 2009. - XXIX, 359 S. - (Beiträge zur Iranistik ; Bd. 30)
Festschrift: Jean Kellens
ISBN 978-3-89500-651-7
EUR 110,00

Twenty-seven articles by prominent Indo-Europeanists, Indologists and Iranists have been selected to commemorate the most innovative and consequent exeget of Avesta (the missal of the pre-islamic Paniranian religion, Mazdaeism or Parsism) of our times, Jean Kellens and to inscenery his intellectual pathway and thereby also the present debates around the oldest language and religious history of the common ancestors of Indians and Iranians. The themes Jean Kellens has put into fresh light, intertextuality, stilistics, ideology, textual history and reuse, are especially represented, but always under the light of the mother discipline: grammar. [Verlagsinformation]

Éric Pirart et Xavier Tremblay: Preface. IX-XVII
Xavier Tremblay: L'Oeuvre de Jean Kellens. XIX-XXIX
1. Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo: The Indo-Iranian noose of death. 1
2. Alberto Cantera: Die Staota Yesniia der textuellen ratu des Visparad. 17
3. Albert de Jong: The Culture of Writing and the Use of the Avesta in Sasanian Iran. 27
4. Michiel de Vaan: Syntax and etymology of Avestan bā and bōit. 43
5. Heiner Eichner: Parallelen zu indoiranischen religiösen Konzepten in Texten der Hethiter. 57
6. Bernhard Forssman: Eine Stilfigur im Avesta. 69
7. José Luis García Ramón: Infinitifs et abstraits verbaux en indo-iranien : v.-av. xšanmenē et sa prehistoire. 79
8. Gherardo Gnoli: Un monothéisme pré-zoroastrien? 95
9. Toshifumi Gotō: Der Optativ bhṛjéyur in den Yajurveda-Saṃhitās. 107
10. Arlo Griffiths et Alexander Lubotsky: Two Words for 'sister-in-law'? Notes on Vedic yātar- and giri-. 115
11. Clarisse Herrenschmidt: Note sur l'agir du roi, entre histoire et mythe. 123
12. Almut Hintze: An Avestan ghost word : auuah- 'water'. 129
13. Michael Janda: Huldigung dem Großkönig: Achämenidisches Hofzeremoniell und das Benennungsmotiv von altpersisch āpadāna- 'Audienzhalle'. 145
14. Judith Josephson: Manušcihr's Tractate on the Frašgird-kardārīh. Chapter 36 of the Dādestān ī dēnīg. 157
15. Gilbert Lazard: Qu'est devenue la préposition ō? 169
16. Bruce Lincoln: Implications of Grammatical Number in Iranian Mythology of Vegetation. 177
17. Norbert Oettinger: Zum Verhältnis von Apam Napāt- und Xvarenah- im Avesta. 189
18. Antonio Panaino: Avestan daxšta- and cithra-. I: The Semantic Field : Female Germen and Menstruation. 197
19. Eric Pirart: Le Rašn Yašt (Yašt 12). 221
20. Ralf-Peter Ritter: Uridg. *r im Armenischen. 251
21. Junko Sakamoto-Goto: Zum präteritalen Optativ im Alt- und Mittelindoarischen. 255
22. Günter Schweiger: Physikalische Methode zur Sichtbarmachung zerstörter Keilschriftzeichen auf Schmelzziegeln aus Susa. 275
23. Nicholas Sims-Williams: Avestan fradathāi, Bactrian φαρο, and their cognates. 279
24. Prods Oktor Skjaervø: On Videvdad Chapter 5.1-13 and its Pahlavi Commentaries. 289
25. Philippe Swennen: Indra entre Inde et Iran. 305
26. Eva Tichy: Zwei vor-hexametrische Formern: (εὐρὐ) κρείων Ἀγαμέμνων ζείδωρος ἄρουρα. 313
27. Xavier Tremblay: Les prepalatales indo-europeennes devant dentale en iranien. Essais de grammaire comparee des langues iraniennes XIV. 327

ÉRIC PIRART (*1950) studied Indo-Iranian philology at the University of Liège, where he earned his Doctorate with a thesis upon the Old Avestan particles, supervised by Jean Kellens. He then embarked with his master on the enterprise of editing, translating and commenting the Old Avestan corpus, whereas he pursued own studies upon Indo-Iranian mythology. After an almost six-year appointment at the University of Barcelona to teach Sanskrit and Old Iranian, he became Professor at the University of Liège, directing the Program of Indo-Iranian studies and Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (now the sole of its kind in Belgium). His numerous articles (mostly published in the Journal Asiatique) and books have earned him fame as an expert in Indo-Iranian mythology, Yašt philology and text history of the Avesta, especially concerning the diascevase and the metrics.
XAVIER TREMBLAY. After a PhD about the Noms athématiques suffixaux de l’Avesta at the École pratique des Hautes Études, philological-historical branch (Paris), Xavier Tremblay (*1971) worked from 1999 to 2003 as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Iranian Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which awarded him the Figdor Prize for his book Pour une histoire de la Sérinde (Vienna, 2001). He earned a German Habilitation with venia legendi in Indo-European comparative linguistics in 2004 at the University of Cologne crowned by the Prix Emile Benveniste of the French Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 2008. Since 2004 Privat-Dozent at the University of Cologne, Xavier Tremblay has authored one further book, La déclinaison des noms de parenté en indo-européen (Innsbruck, 2003), and over 40 articles and 20 recensions about the whole range of Indo-European languages. Profil-Seite.

Quellen: Ludwig Reichert Verlag; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.