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Jha: The Making of Bihar and Biharis

Jha, Narendra:
The Making of Bihar and Biharis : Colonialism, Politics and Culture in Modern India, c. 1870-1912 / Narendra Jha. - New Delhi : Manohar, 2012. - 284 S.
Hochschulschrift. Teilw. zugl.: New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ., Diss. unter dem Titel: Regional identity and consciousness : a study of Bihar, c. 1870-1912
ISBN 978-81-7304-967-5
Rs 795,00
US$ 29,75 (South Asia Books)
US$ 36,75 (D.K. Agencies)
US$ 48,60 (Bagchee)
US$ 49,50 (K.K. Agencies)
DDC: 954.12035

It was Bihar where the first movement claiming special rights for `sons of the soil' took place in India. Also the place where the earliest experiments in the politics of `reservation' in jobs were made and its first identity movement-the struggle of the people of Bihar for its separation from Bengal and constitution into a new province took place, all of which eventually contributed to the making of modern Bihar and the evolution of its natives into a distinct `Bihari' community. In this book Narendra Jha seeks to analyse this entire process.
   Jha traces the roots of Bihar's identity in the history, syncretic culture and the linguistic tradition that got shaped during the medieval period. He then examines the process of obliteration of this idenity during the early British rule and later its resurrection and reconstruction during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The growth of new education, the emergence of new social groups, especially those of lawyers and journalists, sustained work on their part through the press and public associations and most importantly colonial language and employment policies are seen as being instrumental in the growth of regional nationalism in Bihar. He underlines the significance of Hindu-Muslim unity in Bihar's quest for identity. By highlighting the history of Chota Nagpur, now the state of Jharkhand, he also stresses the fluid nature of identity formation. [Vom Buchumschlag]

Preface. 9
Glossary. 13
Introduction. 15
1. Pre-and Early Colonial Bihar. 39
2. Education and Emergence of New Social Groups. 64
3. Colonial Construction. 92
4. Regional Consciousness: Early Manifestations and Articulations. 124
5. Bihar's Quest for Identity: The Beginning. 158
6. Towards the Separation of Bihar. 203
7. Conclusion. 248
Bibliography. 257
Index. 271

Quellen: Manohar; K.K. Agencies; South Asia Books; WorldCat; Bagchee; D.K. Agencies
Bildquelle: Manohar
Bibliographie: [1]
