The Kathmandu Valley as a Water Pot
Yoshizaki, Kazumi (吉崎一美):
The Kathmandu Valley as a Water Pot : Abstracts of Research Papers on Newar Buddhism in Nepal / Kazumi Yoshizaki. - Kathmandu : Vajra Publications, 2012. - ix, 171 S.
ISBN 978-9937-506-74-8 / 9937-506-74-3
US$ 12,95 (Vajra Books)
DDC: 294.3095496
This book is a collection of abstracts of my papers on Newar Buddhism in Nepal, which I have published over these past 25 years. I am aware that it would be desirable to completely rewrite these papers in light of the latest scholarship throughout the world. But I'm afraid that it would become too bulky a volume. I didn't wish to publish anything too large in size, so I restricted my citations of the latest studies to a minimum. In fact, I omitted many important works in order to summarize my papers. I hope they will be referred to in the development of discussion.
I visited the Valley of Kathmandu for the first time in 1985 to research the Newar Buddhist manuscripts. Everything that I saw there fascinated me at once. I was surprised by their festivals, manners and customs, and especially their Buddhist rituals. Many questions rushed at me one after another. I asked myself, "what is the real aim of their performances ?" My papers were produced to help me arrive at my own answers, although some questions remain insoluble. I know that my papers are lacking in certain considerations, and I alone am responsible for any errors of fact, interpretation, or omission. I believe that they will be corrected through discussions with my friends in Nepal and other countries. They will make good their arguments. I will be happy if my struggle to interpret the Newar Buddhist rituals is any help in bearing fresh fruit. [Kazumi Yoshizaki]
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Kazumi Yoshizaki (*1951) is an independent researcher into the Newar Buddhist rituals and the hand-written manuscripts in the Kathmandu Valley. He has now a particular interest in Newari colophons of manuscripts and Newari inscriptions of paintings to reconstruct the Newar Buddhist history. Homepage.
Quellen: Vajra Bookshop; Jinajik; WorldCat
Yoshizaki: The Kathmandu Valley as a Water Pot, 2012