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South Asian Classical Studies 2008 - 3

南アジア古典学 (Minami-Ajia kotengaku) = South Asian Classical Studies / 州大学インド哲学史研究室 (Kyūshū daigaku Indo tetsugaku shi kenkyū shitsu) [Kyushu University, Department of Indology]. - No. 3. - Kyūshū, 2008
ISSN 1881-2074
Preis: keine Angaben

Jüngst erschienen ist Band 3, Jahrgang 2008.

1. Michael Hahn: Ravigupta and his Nīti Stanzas (II). 1-38
2. Demoto, Mitsuyo (出本充代): 『アヴァダーナ・シャタカ』和訳 (2) [A Japanese Translation of the Avadānaśataka (2)]. 39-56
3. Okano, Kiyoshi (岡野潔): Avadanakalpalata 55章,91--92章とKarmasataka125--126話 Sarvamdada, Sibi, Maitrakanyakaの校訂・和訳 [Avadānakalpalatā Chaps. 55, 91, 92 and Karmaśataka 125, 126: Texts and Translations of Sarvaṃdada, Śibi, Maitrakanyaka]. 57-155
4. Minamoto, Juko (源重浩): 初期唯識思想と独我論(序説)─『解深密経』第八章の場合─ [The Early Yogācāra and Solipsism (Introduction): A Study of Saṃdhinirmocanasūtra VIII]. 157-170
5. Tamura, Masaki (田村昌己): バーヴィヴェーカの四大種説 [Bhāviveka's Theory of Four Material Elements (mahābhūta)]. 171-189
6. Nemoto, Hiroshi (根本裕史): 中観帰謬派の「無因消滅論」批判について [On the Prāsaṅgika Refutation of the View of Cessation Being Spontaneous]. 191-207
7. Yi Jaehyung (李宰炯): 〈顕現の獲得〉(nirbhasopagama, abhasopagama)について ── バルトリハリの知識論における認識〈行為〉の成立と〈時間〉── [Bhartṛhari's View of Time: How Is It That A cognition Appears As If Occurring in A Sequence]. 209-226
8. Kitada, Makoto (北田信): ベンガルの詩的象徴 吟遊詩人バウルと古ベンガル語の仏教賛歌集 [Poetical Symbolism in Bengali: The Caryāpadas, the Late Buddhist Tantric Hymns from Eastern India, and the Bauls, the Mystic Bards of Modern Bengal]. 227-274
9. Kataoka, Kei (片岡啓): Tattvatrayanirnayavivrti和訳 [A Japanese Trantion of the Tattvatrayanirṇayavivṛti]. 275-310
10. Dominic Goodall, Kei Kataoka, Diwakar Acharya, Yuko Yokochi: A First Edition and Translation of Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha's Tattvatrayanirṇayavivṛti, A Treatise on Śiva, Souls and Māyā with Detailed Treatment of Mālā. 311-384

Quelle: Kei Kataoka: 九州インド哲学Blog [Kyushu Indo tetsugaku Blog].