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Blondeau, Anne-Marie, Chayet, Anne (2014).  L'épopée tibétaine de Gesar: Manuscrit bon-po inédite par dBang chen nyi ma, Fonds Alexandra David-Néel du musée national des Arts asiatiques-Guimet. Patrimoine d'Orient. 254 S.
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Swank, Heidi (2014).  Rewriting Shangri-La: Tibetan Youth, Migrations and Literacies in McLeod Ganj, India. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library; 34. xii, 200 S.
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Samuels, Jonathan (2014).  Colloquial Tibetan: the Complete Course for Beginners. The colloquial series. XV, 319 S.
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Kapstein, Matthew T. (2008).  The Sun of the Heart and the Bai-ro-rgyud-'bum. Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines. 15, 275-288.
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Koṅ-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas (2010).  The Treasury of Knowledge, Books Two, Three, and Four: Buddhism's Journey to Tibet. xii, 680 S.
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Kapstein, Matthew T. (2011).  Just Where on Jambudvipa Are We? New Geographical Knowledge and Old Cosmological Schemes in Eighteenth-century Tibet. Forms of knowledge in early modern Asia: explorations in the intellectual history of India and Tibet, 1500-1800. 336-364.
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Tropper, Kurt [Hrsg.], Scherrer-Schaub, Cristina [Hrsg.] (2013).  Tibetan Inscriptions: Proceedings of a Panel held at the Twelfth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 2010. Brill's Tibetan studies library; 32.
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Tuttle, Gray [Hrsg.], Schaeffer, Kurtis R. [Hrsg.] (2013).  The Tibetan History Reader.
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Mullard, Saul [Hrsg.] (2013).  Critical Readings on the History of Tibetan Foreign Relations. Critical Readings.
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Czaja, Olaf (2013).  Medieval Rule in Tibet: the Rlangs Clan and the Political and Religious History of the Ruling House of Phag mo gru pa; with a Study of the Monastic Art of Gdan sa mthil. Denkschriften / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse; 455. 1004 S.
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Vitali, Roberto [Hrsg.] (2012).  Studies on the History and Literature of Tibet and the Himalaya.
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De Rossi Filibeck, Elena [Hrsg.] (2012).  Tibetan Art between Past and Present: Studies Dedicated to Luciano Petech. Tibetan Art between Past and Present. 174 S.
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Harris, Clare E. (2012).  The Museum on the Roof of the World: Art, Politics, and the Representation of Tibet. Buddhism and Modernity.
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Cüppers, Christoph, Kujip, Leonard van der, Pagel, Ulrich (2012).  Handbook of Tibetan Iconometry: a Guide to the Arts of the 17th Century. Brill's Tibetan studies library; 28. X, 386 S.
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Craig, Sienna R. (2012).  Healing Elements: Efficacy and the Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine. xx, 321 S.
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Hofer, Theresia (2014).  Bodies in Balance: the Art of Tibetan Medicine. x, 325 S.
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Bellezza, John Vincent (2013).  Death and Beyond in Ancient Tibet: Archaic Concepts and Practices in a Thousand-Year-Old Illuminated Funerary Manuscript and Old Tibetan Funerary Documents of Gathang Bumpa and Dunhuang. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens; 77. ix, 293 S.
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Neuhaus, Tom (2012).  Tibet in the Western Imagination. ix, 264 S.
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Kapstein, Matthew T. (2008).  Tibetan Tibetology? Sketches of an Emerging Discipline. Images of Tibet in the 19th and 20th centuries. 2, 799-815.
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