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Leclère, Basile (2013).  Le théâtre de l'Inde médiévale entre tradition et innovation: le Moharājaparājaya de Yaśaḥpāla. Indica et Tibetica; 54. 614 S.
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Binder, Katrin (2013).  Yakṣagāna Raṅgabhūmi: The World of the Yakṣagāna Stage. Drama und Theater in Südasien; 11.
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Fritze, Ludwig [Übers.], Pohlus, Andreas [Hrsg.] (2012).  Meisterdichtungen Indiens: Übersetzungen aus dem Sanskrit von Ludwig Fritze. 1488 S.
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Tripathi, Radhavallabh [Hrsg.] (2012).  Nāṭyaśāstra and the Indian Dramatic Tradition. Samīkṣikā series ; 3. xix, 324 S.
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Narayanan Chittoor Namboodiripad (2012).  Revealing the Art of Nāṭyaśāstra. xi, 196 S.
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Feuillebois-Pierunek, Ève [Hrsg.] (2012).  Théâtres d'Asie et d'Orient: traditions, rencontres, métissages. Dramaturgies; 30. 586 S.
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Menon, Jisha (2012).  The Performance of Nationalism: India, Pakistan, and the Memory of Partition . Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre. xii, 260 S.
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Esposito, Anna Aurelia (2012).  The South Indian drama manuscripts. Aspects of Manuscript Culture in South India . 81–97.
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